Diplomové práce / Master's theses
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- (De)Forming PlacesLópez Rengifo, Israel Antonio(Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 2019-09-25In this thesis the author reflects on the process of creation of (de)forming places; a research project around space, perception and experience that concludes with three performative installations in specific buildings: (de)formation #1:Colloredo-Mansfeld palace, (de)formation #2: the National Library in Prague and (de)formation #3: The New Stage of the National Theater of Prague, Building B. Each installation was devised in a site specific format and served as a snapshot of the research process. The installations were framed as performative, as they allowed the space to perform. Space here, is defined as a mutable entity that changes with any interaction with the people that inhabit it. The project considers the possibility of transformations of the experience of a place by the encounter between the different perceptions of one same place. (De)forming places researches the use of sensory manipulation, as a staging element, using mechanisms of sound, smell and light, that modulates the perceptual set of the audience and therefore the experience of the atmosphere of the place. In this sense the installation is performing with the audience, not only as it is constantly transforming, but also by causing transformation in the audience’s perception; the place performs, not because it changes, but because its change affects the audience. In (de)forming places project, the author states that a shift of perception is a movement in space, while questioning our positioning as spectators. We live in an environment where everything is changing, yet if everything is moving, what does it mean to be here?
- Divine MaterialityLovrić Krapež, Aljoša(Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 2024-09-13The projects I have created during my studies share a common approach to exploring the potential relations between (performing) bodies and objects. This thesis delves deeper into this relation's conditions, contradictions, and possibilities, particularly when experienced in the context of playful, joyful, and pleasurable states of devising and object theatre practices. The conception of my projects, and therefore of this thesis, derives from a need to traverse the default mode of experiencing the material world conditioned by the hierarchy of senses and imagery of the (mechanical) body. Instead, my research opted for a lively and dynamic experience, trying to establish a vibrant, ecstatic, and empathic relation to materiality. Joy and pleasure as ways to relate to the all-encompassing presence of materiality. The text is structured into eight chapters, each aimed at gradually unpacking the terminological, theoretical, aesthetic, strategic, and political layers of my ongoing artistic research.
- Koncert: jiná forma divadlaJacques, Sebastian(Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta, 2021)Datum obhajoby: 2021-09-14Diplomová práce Koncert: jiná forma divadla argumentuje, že koncert populární hudby může být vnímán jako jeden z mnoha divadelních tvarů. Hledá paralely mezi oběma formami a s pomocí rozhovorů, příkladů a analýzou aspektů obou forem nachází způsoby, kdy do koncertu proniká divadlo, případně teatralita, a do divadla koncert a hudba.
- Memoirs, Essays and CeremoniesJordan, Wayne John(Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta, 2020)Datum obhajoby: 2020-09-17This thesis is a personal reflection on the work that I made over the period of my studies at DAMU September 2017 – January 2019. It focuses on four works created by its author over four semesters. The Potato Piece, Eulogy, Before The Ceremony and The Ceremony. These works have been created in response to the question of how it might be possible to use the artist’s personal experience to create performance that engages in an experiential and intimate way with its audience. It tracks the author’s theatre-making practice over these four works as it develops from staging simple compositions with objects to exploring new forms of participatory performance that seek to find new intimacy and cross borders in the audience-performer relationship. Through a detailed description and reflection of The Potato Piece, Eulogy, Before The Ceremony and The Ceremony this thesis invites the reader to enter into the world of that process and to reflect on how each of these projects act as a stepping stone toward a more expanded practice of ‘directing’. The final chapters of the thesis look at how this work with objects (relating to things) can translate into a way of approaching working with personal material (relating to the self) and creating experience as performance by crossing the border of the audience/performer relationship (relating to others).
- Politics of Performativityde la Mare, Bria Caitlin Louise(Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta, 2019)Datum obhajoby: 2019-06-19Politics and Performativity is an exploration of theatre’s ability to act as a tool for socio-political change. The foundations of this text will be laid upon the performance/exhibition Popaganda; the final, thesis project created by a team of students from the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, opening for three days in September 2018 in an empty building in central Prague. Popaganda was a practical experiment which attempted to decipher which conditions might be necessary for a performative act to transform into a agent of socio-political change. Through considering key theories such as artistic activism, ethical spectacle and cognitive shock alongside the results of Popaganda, this text will aim to outline potential conditions for performativity to impact political change. Politics and Performativity will introduce the work of Popaganda and then consider three key elements of the performance; it’s content acquired through appropriation, the effect on the audience achieved through cognitive shock and its potential to effect change through a /consumer/product relationship. These focused topics will provide an opportunity to consider how Popaganda may have impacted some form of concrete change as well as how these elements may be improved and used in other conditions and situations of performativity.
- Ready vs. Raw - Do we ever arrive?Gunnarsdóttir, Snæfríður Sól(Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta, 2024)Datum obhajoby: 2024-09-13In this thesis I will analyse and go through my motivations and methods of working within the frame of the everyday in my performances, using its familiar structures and ways and twisting them to find new perspectives and creativity within our social reality, making the familiar strange and the strange familiar. I explore what it is that makes us find some things more convincing as truth than others, by comparing together the aesthetics of truth and the aesthetics of fiction, and connecting that to my own work through examples. During my masters studies I experimented with using the formats of cooking and guided tours as dramaturgical frames throughout couple of different performances and projects. Even though these two formats dont seem to have very much in common, I used both of them as a frame to explore similar themes, playing around with notions from process theory, questioning the logics and thoughts we connect to time, efficiency, readiness and destinations. I go through my preferred ways of working with mundane everyday places and audience participation, and analyse how these different social structures of cooking and guided tours affected those ways. I list the tools and working methods I developed through this research and go through my inspirations during the process, connecting my themes and thoughts to artists and theorists working with similar approaches or themes.
- Společné prvky v tvorbě narativu loutkové inscenace a počítačové hryBártová, Johana(Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta, 2023)Datum obhajoby: 2023-09-13V této diplomové práci budu porovnávat dvě umělecká odvětví. Loutkové divadlo a klikací adventuru. Nejprve ve stručnosti popíši historii počítačových her a jakým způsobem se dostali do bodu, kdy se náhle začínají potkávat s divadelní tvorbou. Poté na základě analýzi čtyř divadelních inscenací, na kterých jsem se spolupodílela, nebo stále spolu podílím, popíšu několik postupů, pokusů a principů, které jsme se pokusili z klikací adventury přenést do divadelní inscenace. Dále se pak pokusím vymezit pojem loutková adventura a popíši několik principů díky kterým se loutková adventura může loutkovou adventurou stát. Na závěr v krátkosti popíši také další tři inscenace mladých tvůrců do třiceti let, u kterých jsem zjistila, nebo měla po shlédnutí pocit, že principy loutkových adventur naplňují.
- Všechna jitra světaKolman, Petr(Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta, 2020)Datum obhajoby: 2020-09-16Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou díla Všechna jitra světa v jeho literární, filmové a divadelní formě. Cílem práce je přiblížit čtenáři životy slavných francouzských umělců a hráčů na violu da gamba, jako byl Sainte-Colombe, či Marin Marais a zároveň popsat rozdíly mezi románem, filmem a autorskou tvorbou. Důraz je kladen především na propojení hudební a divadelní složky. Teoretická část práce se zabývá historickým a politickým kontextem, charakteristikou umělecké tvorby v době baroka, popisem postav a rozborem jednotlivých děl. Praktická část se věnuje divadelní inscenaci, která představuje autorskou tvorbu na motivy rozebíraného díla, a jejímu propojení s částí teoretickou.
- Zvuk jako výrazový prostředek herceŠvédová, Michaela(Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta, 2017)Datum obhajoby: 2017-06-29V první části své absolventské práce reflektuji svoji uměleckou cestu od hereckých počátků, přes studentskou skupinovou divadelní práci, až k postupnému přechodu k samostatné autorské činnosti, kde více vystupuji jako performer a hudebník. V druhé kapitole se zaobírám svoji předchozí hudební a performerskou praxí, která mne připravila na samostatnou tvůrčí práci. V třetí, nejobsáhlejší části, se věnuji svému absolventskému projektu s pracovním názvem Stroj vedoucí. Zabývám se jak technologiemi, které v projektu užívám, historickým vývojem i kontextem, tak otázkami, které mi přicházely do cesty v průběhu tvoření.