Iranian Jews and Their Family Photo Albums

Datum obhajoby
Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Filmová a televizní fakulta
Katedra fotografie
Typ práce
Diplomová práce
Memories of a Disintegrated Community
The thesis investigates how newer generations of immigrant Iranian Jews understand their family’s photo albums, all of which were captured in Iran several decades ago during the analog era. Since locating to a new country, the majority of them can not return to their birthplace and the meaning of a family album has seen a significant change from the print era to the cyber world. The thesis aspires to find answers to relevant questions such as: What is the process of reading family photos? What is the meaning of the language of photography in a new environment? How do new generations view their old photos? Can photos be called an inheritance? And, finally, can photographs help to find family's roots and identities?
Klíčová slova
fotografie rodinná, Židé, imigrace, portrétní fotografie, Írán