Lulu, Ellie or Lily

Datum obhajoby
Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta
Katedra scénografie
Typ práce
Diplomová práce
Politics on womens clothing based on a playright by F. Wedekind
The topic of this Master thesis is an analysis of the female positioning in societies throughout the years. Derived by the theatrical play ‘Lulu’ that is consisted by The Earth Spirit and Pandora’s Box and written by the German playwright Frank Wedekind (1864-1918). Matters as the depiction of femininity and its subtle connection with the politics around female clothing, in a more modern concept, enriched my research on the topic and extended it to contemporary aspects of social favoritism, marginalization and how porn industry uses female body. I hereby try to point out that discrimination is not based on personal factors but it could be aiming anyone not complying with the norm that society and fashion industry dictated.
Klíčová slova
scénografická interpretace dramatického textu, dámské oděvy, umění a politika, dramatická tvorba, Wedekind, Frank, 1864-1918