Hledání domova
Datum obhajoby
Akademie múzických umění v Praze.Divadelní fakulta
Katedra autorské tvorby a pedag.
Typ práce
Bakalářská práce
Vliv jazyka a řeči těla na zkoušení dialogického jednání.
In this paper I reflect on how my lifelong search for home has inspired new ways to find home through my experiences studying at the Authorial Acting Program at the Department of Authorial Creativity and Pedagogy.
Through this search for home, and my studies at the department, I find myself noticing a connection between the languages that I speak and the way that my body reacts in Dialogical Acting. In an attempt to research this connection between language and body language and the possible effects it may have on my experiences with Dialogical Acting, I revisit my own notes from my studies, and conducted my own research by devising a questionnaire which was sent out to some of my colleagues who have experienced practicing this discipline in multiple languages as well, and also include other literature that may support my findings. In the end I found some ethical errors in the way I formatted this questionnaire and believe that this too may have had an effect on how my colleagues described their experiences and in turn affected my research. Through this I end up finding some connections that I believe do support the idea that the language we speak can affect the way our body speaks.
Klíčová slova
pohybová komunikace, autorské divadlo, autorské herectví, dialogické jednání, jazykové dovednosti