Datum obhajoby
Typ práce
Pokus o identifikaci hudebního nástroje
z traktátu Pauli Paulirini de Praga
Paulus Paulirinus de
Praga writes about musical instruments
in the chapter Musica instrumentalis
of his treatise Liber viginti
artium (ca 1459–61). For many
of them he used names which are
rare or completely unknown from
any other period sources. Sometimes
he writes about a known instrument
using a name for it current
for quite different instruments.
Calcastrum is one of them. From
its description it is possible to
compare it with other period instruments
in Middle Europe and assume
that Paulus Paulirinus is describing
an instrument known by
organologists of 20th c entury a s
a psaltery-harp, harp-psaltery or
double-resonator harp.
This assumption is aided by the
described shape of the instrument
(plus trigonale quam quadrangulare),
the use of gut strings (cordas
nervales) as well as the way of
playing the instrument (cum digittis
cordas tangens). The manner of
holding the instrument when playing
is possible to compare with
other chordophones (neckless)
in the medieval Czech regions
(these instruments were held with
strings running parallel to the axis
of the player’s body). By eliminating
instruments used in Middle
Europe in the middle of 15th century
it is possible to come to the
conclusion that Paulus Paulirinus
describes the psaltery-harp using
the name calcastrum.
Klíčová slova
psaltery-harp, Paulus
Paulirinus, medieval musical instrument